Friday, 1 February 2008


OK - call me mad... but after a few tinnies last night I purchased the land I just sold in Falso Azufre... "why" I hear you ask... well obviously the tinnies had a bearing on it, but aside from that, the guy who purchased it and 2 other plots had obviously overstretched himself and was selling.

So me being me... offered him a ridiculously low price and guess what - He took it! So I now own more land in that region than I did before and for less outlay. RESULT :)

All I have to do now is decide what to do with it now...????????

Thursday, 24 January 2008


Wanted: Meaningful overnight relationship....

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Sold More land...

Well more land sold around the shop... another 5 plots gone. I have retained 2048 sq m and rebuilt the shop itself using the VT Meadow building ( a snip at $L 5). I actually used 2 of them and with a small amount of customization made it into 2 floors... looks quite good, even though I say so myself!

The top floor is used as "Gimme Five" - basically a shop where the majority of the items are $L 5 or less! That includes the 2 commercial buildings I currently have on the market, one of which is free:)

The ground floor will still be ValArt... where I sell my (and other peoples) art work.

Feel free to visit at

Monday, 21 January 2008

SL and House

Busy weekend... been altering things around the new house, redesigning stairs to reduce the prim count, whilst trying to keep them looking the same. Time consuming but should be worth it in the end.

Spent Saturday night at Destiny's Lounge... amateur night and I took a turn on the Pole :) Destiny's is owned by an old friend Grissy
Galiazzo and is a great club, well worth a visit - so give it a go!

Have now finished splitting the old shop land, have sold 4 plots to a neighbor at a discounted price, the rest I need to actually put for sale. I have however retained 1536 sq m for the shop. Seemed sensible as there are still a few visitors... some of whom actually buy stuff LOL. As I said in a previous post, most sales are from SLX.

I have just got another retailer on-board... Tricia NIghtfire, lovely lady she is :) She is wanting to sell some artwork on a similar theme to mine, but a little more "graphic" I think.

Quote of the day

Why should I want to make anything up? Life's bad enough as it is without trying to invent any more of it!!

Friday, 18 January 2008

House progress

Moved some furniture in and locked down all important parts of the house, such as walls floors etc, "just in case" ... I know what I am like, I'll delete half the thing after too many slurps from a tin!

Actually bought some birds to fly around the place, not sure that they look right though, the wings are flapping like mad, but the birds are not "flitting" about... more like trundling :) Perhaps I need to increase the spped they move at to make it look better.

Started to divide up the land I own in Falso Azufre, ready for selling it off in 512 sq m parcels. I think I will retain enough to keep a small shop there, but I seem to be getting more results from SLX at the moment... maybe I will remove the shop totally in time.

Thursday, 17 January 2008

Quote of the day....

"What would happen if you put a chameleon on a PLAID shirt?"